God’s Word in Culture Worldwide Conference Teachings


Do you want to grow in your ability to change the world with the Word? Then you’ll love the teachings from God’s World in Culture Worldwide conference! The 18 teachings from this conference will help you be well-equipped to give spiritual light to generations sitting in darkness. This teaching set is available as a nine-disc audio set for $29.95 or as a digital download for $14.95.

Teaching titles include:

Ethically Speaking

The Courage to Be Right

How to Shine on Social Media

God’s Will for Marriage

Overcoming Social Pressure

Personal Integrity

Building Mental and Emotional Strength

The Godly Role of Government

Aim High

Be a Godly Influencer

God’s Word Works in Every Culture

Choose Godliness

Let’s Utilize our Freedom to Speak

Overcoming the Traffic of Favors

Defining Success

Free from Financial Entrapment

Moral Debt

Change Your World

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