
Abide in Truth Note Cards (pk 8)

Original price was: $3.95.Current price is: $0.50.

Our ministry has made tremendous progress in the past few years. We have shined as lights, have knit our hearts together in love, and have seen how God leads us in victory through His Son Jesus Christ. In 2023-2024 we continue to move forward as we focus our study on abiding in the true standard for life—the Word of God. God’s Word is truth and gives us the standard for our thoughts, words, and actions. We abide, remain, continue in that standard because apart from that Word, there is no certainty, peace, or lasting rewards. With the Word as our standard, we stand on the solid and sure rock of truth.

The grapes on our beautiful note cards are symbolic of the abundance of good fruit we bear as we abide in truth. A tender vine cultivated in rich soil grows and produces fruit in season. When we firmly plant ourselves in the healthy soil of God’s Word, we will bear good fruit in season too. We will be fruitful in every good work, bearing witness of His goodness and grace. This artwork can remind us that by our fruit-filled lives, others will see and believe that our heavenly Father, out of His great love, sent His Son for them also.

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