Are the Dead Alive Now?


Are the Dead Alive Now? answers this and other pertinent questions many have wondered about. Is there life after death? Can the dead be contacted? What is eternal life? This collection of studies clearly establishes the truth about what happens after death from a study of the Scriptures.

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Part I. The Thesis
  • Are the Dead Alive Now?
  • When Shall the Dead Be Made Alive?
Part II. Misunderstood Scriptures
  •  Is Death a Gain
  • Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord
  • The Vision at the Transfiguration
  • By Faith Enoch Was Translated
  • Lazarus in Abraham’s Bosom
  • The Malefactor and Paradise
  • The Woman Who Had Seven Husbands
  • The Prophetess of Endor
  • Conclusion
Part III. Appendices
  • The Difference between “To Kill” and “To Destroy”
  • Body, Soul, and Spirit-Formed, Made and Created
  • Sheol and Hadēs; Qeber and Mnēmeion
  • Thanatos, Tartaroō, Geenna, Abaddon, Abussos, and Lake of Fire