Orientalisms of the Bible Volume I


Biblical usages of customs, idioms, and figures of speech come alive in their Eastern setting.

Our free handout explains some of the ways this research work can help you in your Biblical study.


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  • Treasures in Heaven
  • The Alleged Unjust Steward
  • Buy Without Money
  • The Three Excuses
  • Fear and Trembling
  • Sleeping among the Sheepfolds
  • Fishing for Money
  • Married or Engaged-Which?
  • Bartimaeus Beholds
  • Appearances Are Important
  • The Challenge to Ridicule
  • The Supplier of Every Need
  • Mark of Subjection
  • When God Subtracts
  • Father Knows Best
  • He Drew Off His Shoe
  • Double for Sin

Scripture Index

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