Receiving the Holy Spirit Today Audiobook


The holy spirit is God’s greatest gift to man. Yet countless Christians have been deprived of its true greatness because of ignorance and fear. The author plainly sets forth speaking in tongues and the eight other manifestations of holy spirit.

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More Information

Section I

  • The Gift from the Holy Spirit
  • Common Fears that Prevent the Receiving of the Gift from the Holy Spirit
  • Who Is Qualified to Receive the Holy Spirit, Pneuma Hagion?
  • What Is Speaking in Tongues?
  • How to Receive the Holy Spirit, Pneuma Hagion
  • Section II

  • A Study of Acts 1 and 2
  • A Study of Acts 8
  • A Study of Acts 9
  • A Study of Acts 10
  • A Study of Acts 19
  • Section III

  • A Study of I Corinthians 12
  • A Study of I Corinthians 13
  • A Study of I Corinthians 14
  • Some Questions Answered
  • Appendices

  • The Word Receive
  • The Uses and Usages of the Words Pneuma and Pneuma Hagion
  • Every Use and Usage of the Words Pneuma and Pneuma Hagion in the New Testament