Serving the Lord, Give and Share Series Book, Volume V


This fifth volume, Serving the Lord, is a compilation of twelve Give and Share Series booklets. These studies show how a lifestyle of godly service brings His abundance to us and to others. We learn what we have to give, how to serve joyfully, and how to do it for a lifetime. Get your copy of this volume to further your studies into this topic and grow in your service to God!



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Table of contents
  • Giving according to God’s Standards
  • Heartily Serving One Another in Love
  • No Confidence in the Flesh
  • He Made Himself of No Reputation
  • Fruitful in Every Good Work
  • Aspects of Working Heartily as to the Lord
  • The Joy of Working with Focus and Attention to Detail
  • Sustained in Service by the Memorial of Holy Communion
  • The Five Gift Ministries- Gifts to the Church
  • Advancing with God
  • Sustaining the Energy of Your Conviction
  • Our Lively Hope