Jan/Feb 2011 Way Magazine
In this issue we’ll see that living the Word’s way is a power-filled lifestyle that leads to abundant growth and deliverance—for with God all things are possible.
Complete wholeness is always God’s will for our lives. We have every right to our healing in Christ. As Rev. Marcia Greene explains, “When Healing Takes Time” we can endure in our believing until healing is fully evidenced. In “The Desire Accomplished—Deliverance!” Angela Martin shares about her journey to deliverance—a destination worth every ounce of the effort and believing action she expended to get there.
Rev. Mike Anderson shows that when we give God and His Word first place, we realize “Our Unlimited Possibilities” as His power is released in our lives. In “Step Up Your Believing,” Angela Priester points to steps we can take on God’s Word to build our believing. We take action to claim His abundance and power.
To enhance your personal study of God’s Word, The Way Magazine Author/Scripture Index for 2010 lists all of the articles and scriptures in the issues from the past year. This insert may be detached and stored in a binder or folder for easy reference. In Titles of God in the Bible, Rev. Tom Horrocks deepens our understanding of what the title El Shaddai means and shows how we can live with absolute conviction that God Almighty will bountifully supply all we need in life.
The Way Ministry follows patterns from the Book of Acts—like the church in the home—as we preach and teach God’s Word around the world. In The Prevailing Word Report, travel along on Rev. Rosalie F. Rivenbark’s November 2010 itinerary to the Caribbean. There she reached out with God’s Word and His love to bless International Outreach believers in their home fellowships.
Living the Word’s way, we want to grow in our application of God’s Word in our daily living. One way to accomplish this is to read a Way Magazine article together in your fellowship. Then take turns sharing ways these truths can be applied practically. Seeing how other like-minded believers apply the Word can be a gold mine of learning and inspiration!
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