Jan/Feb 2018 Way Magazine


Many people around the world long to know the will of God for their lives. There is only one source that can give them clear and accurate answers—the written Word of God. With a knowledge of God’s Word, we can be certain of our heavenly Father’s will, live accordingly, and make His Word and will known to others. The truths presented in this issue will help us accomplish these goals.

Rev. Matthew Wingler points out how the Thessalonians and other believers in the Book of Acts were “Making an Impact by Speaking and Living the Word”—an impact we too can make today! Maribeth Privette teaches how we can help each other stand for God and enjoy reaping great rewards and blessings by “Strengthening and Encouraging One Another” in all of life’s situations.

God’s Word, the counsel of the Lord, contains the wisdom and guidance we need to live the life God wants for us, as Sara Shroyer shows in “Living according to the Counsel of the Lord.” To increase the effectiveness of your personal study of God’s Word, this issue includes the 2017 Way Magazine Author/Scripture Index. This index lists all the authors, articles, and scriptures found in the 2017 issues.

In Titles of God in the Bible, Rev. Lyndon Sumlin shows us the unquestionable reliability of “The God of Faithfulness” by expanding our understanding of the depth and magnitude of God’s faithfulness. In Witnesses in Our Occupations, Linda Johnson gives practical keys to help us be more successful and productive with our “Godly Communication in the Workplace.”

The Prevailing Word Report highlights the Seventy-fifth Anniversary celebration with quotes from participants. Also noted are the 75 Years and Onward Days in the Word in the Regions in The Way of the U.S.A. and the Countrywide 75th Anniversary Days in the Word in International Outreach countries. Enjoy reading the report on how the Way Disciples of Outreach Group XXIV are preaching the Word with power.

There is power in believing. What we believe for or expect is what we get. Believing God’s promises is the first step to seeing them come to pass. You could make a list of the promises of God you find in this issue. Then practice believing to see them fulfilled in your life. Enjoy sharing your victories with the people who cross your path!

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