Mar/Apr 2022 Way Magazine


Every season is a great time for spiritual growth, but in the spring there is growth all around us. With hardly a hint of warmth in the soil and crisp air, green shoots of new life begin pushing up through the earth to encourage us, “Hey, you can do it—look at us!” With so much newness of life unfolding, we might think of something new we’d like to see unfold in our lives. And digging into the rich truths in this issue will surely invigorate our spiritual growth.

In “Believers Growing, Churches Overflowing,” Rev. Joe Naviello points out steps we can take to grow in the Word as individuals and as fellowships so we can positively impact our communities with the power of God. Laura Makharita provides practical tips for “Communicating with God’s Perfect Love in Marriage.” Kimberly Thomas then expounds on the benefits of “Proving God’s Word by Tithing and Abundantly Sharing.”

To build your godly vision of living with Our Hearts Knit Together in Love, feast on the theme scriptures on pages 16 and 17. Cheryl Hostetter teaches how we can be “Good and Faithful Stewards” in carrying out our God-given responsibilities such as caring for one another as fellow heirs. Rev. Tom Horrocks updates us on exciting fall and winter events at Camp Gunnison—The Way Family Ranch. In Manners and Customs of the Bible, Berta Wezensky gives insight on “Customary Educational Practices during Jesus Christ’s Upbringing.”

For the Old Testament History series, Heather Wingler, in “Genesis: The Foundation of Life,” gets into why God went to such great lengths in setting up life for us to enjoy today. In the Word Over the World Report, Rev. Chandler Greene describes how the in-residence Way Corps build strong foundational patterns from God’s Word so they can stand and withstand in the spiritual competition.

With the abundant new growth of this spring season, expect to abound spiritually as you make God’s powerful Word your own and share your learning with those whom God is calling to be part of His family.

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