Nov/Dec 2019 Way Magazine


This ministry year, we are focusing on how we can walk worthy as sons of God in the Grace Administration. “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him” (Colossians 2:6). The articles in this issue give us a greater understanding of what it looks like to walk worthy of our calling as God’s children.

“We are more than conquerors; therefore, we can overcome life’s challenges!” declares Rev. Marcia Greene in “Claiming Victory Beyond Measure.” She teaches how we can overcome any temptation, any weakness, even a chronic challenge—and help others do the same. Rev. Marlo Vergara builds our awareness of how the adversary uses the disguise of idolatry to divert worship from the true God to himself in “No Other Gods Before Me.” Dawn Tinsley examines three simple keys to effective and “Powerful Prayers,” helping us to claim whatever God promises in His Word.

If you’re among the young at heart, enjoy the interactive Children’s Activities pages to deepen your understanding of Biblical truths in this issue. In the Five Basics for Building Faithfulness series, Troy Hunt shares how we can build faithfulness as disciples by “Witnessing and Undershepherding.” Manners and Customs of the Bible explains the role of scribes in Bible times so that we can better understand the heart and actions of “Ezra the Scribe” in Nehemiah 8.

The Prevailing Word Report tells of the unified excitement of participants at our seventy-seventh anniversary celebration and the commissioning of Way Disciple Outreach Group XXVI at The Way International Headquarters in October. On page 26, you’ll find a map of the 2019–2020 Regions in The Way of the U.S.A., along with photographs of the Region coordinators and their wives, for your prayers and believing.

Expect extraordinary results in your life as you read and put into practice the truths in this issue of The Way Magazine. Look for opportunities to share these truths with others, multiplying the blessings!

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