Sep/Oct 2010 Way Magazine


If you have ever planted a vegetable garden, you know that seeds don’t sprout overnight. It takes faithful love and oversight for gardeners to reap the fruits of their labor. In this issue you’ll find helpful “gardening” tips you can apply to cultivate the seeds of spiritual abundance in your life!

Rev. Bill Sage illustrates how “Order in Our Lives Opens Doors for God to Work.” Learn practical ways to develop and maintain order and manifest greater peace and power in daily living. And to deepen your understanding of operating with godly order in life, check out the ideas “For Further Study” provided with this feature article.

Rico Magnelli helps us to better understand “The ‘Christ in You’ Life-style”—a life-style that has far-reaching impact in abundance and power now and eternal rewards in the future. Rev. Tom Mullins shows that as we study and act on God’s Word, we see His vision for our lives. It’s a joy “Getting Busy on God’s Plan.”

Rev. Vern Edwards details why and how we study the truths of God’s Word—to help us become “Skilled as Workmen: Approved of God.” As you develop your personal Biblical study plan, you could write it out, using the “Read and Do” activity following the article.

In Titles of God in the Bible, Harm Olthouse broadens our understanding of another title God gives Himself: “Elohim—The Creator.” In The Prevailing Word Report, you can read about power-filled summer events at The Way International Headquarters: the 2010 Advanced Class held in June and the graduation of The Way Corps class of 2010 in July. Also included in this report are an update on summer camps and getaways at Camp Gunnison—The Way Household Ranch, and an exciting sneak preview of Advanced Class Special 2011!

As you enjoy reading your copy of The Way Magazine, you could keep a list of the practical principles you come across. Then post your list where you will see it often. Think of it as a seedbed that will yield much fruit as you faithfully cultivate these principles in your daily living.

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