Sep/Oct 2017 Way Magazine


For seventy-five years, The Way Ministry has consistently and steadfastly made known the accuracy and integrity of God’s Word so that men and women around the world can be certain of God’s will and live in harmony with it. This special 75th Anniversary Edition of The Way Magazine presents and explains our deeply held conviction that the Word of God is the will of God, and it showcases what’s available in the Biblical research, teaching, and fellowship ministry of The Way.

Setting the heart and scope of the issue is our introductory article, “75th Anniversary—Our Thankfulness Abounds!” Next, “What Fuels the Energy of Our Conviction in The Way Ministry?” highlights our passion and dedication to make known the accuracy of God’s Word and get it deeply rooted into our daily practices.

Our Seventy-fifth Anniversary in October will coincide with the five-hundredth anniversary of a key event in the Protestant Reformation—Martin Luther’s nailing of his Ninety-five Theses to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, in October 1517. “The Reformation and the Enduring Impact of God’s Word” shows some of the reformers’ accomplishments and what we do in The Way Ministry to give people access to an understanding of God’s Word and will. A detachable center spread with colorful pictures and descriptions tells us about many of the abundant resources The Way Ministry offers for understanding the Bible, as well as service opportunities.

We conclude our series on I Corinthians 13: The Love of God by reviewing what God’s love looks like when we are manifesting it, and by considering ways we can manifest His love to the world. In Titles of God in the Bible, we gain more understanding of our heavenly Father as “The God of Glory.” What Does the Word Say? explains how Jesus Christ set the standard for “Fellowship in the Home” and how that became a focal point for outreach in the early Church. The Prevailing Word Report provides highlights of the graduation of The Way Corps class of 2017 in July.

Let’s continue to bless our heavenly Father as we reach out with His matchless Word and His love to all. Happy 75th Anniversary!

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