Sep/Oct 2021 Way Magazine


In Romans 12:2 we are called on to be transformed—not conformed to this world. It’s more than avoiding worldly behaviors. This transformation happens from the inside out as we think and act on God’s Word. And this issue is rich with truths that help us do that. It’s the living Word that transforms us!

Kerry Hostetter explains “cares” from a Biblical perspective and then gives four keys that help us in “Overcoming Worry and Anxiety: Casting All Our Care on God.” Polly Rotunda shows that “Walking with Humility” is crucial not only to our relationship with God but to receiving His blessings and staying out of the adversary’s reach.

In “John Huss: The Enduring Influence of the Bohemian Reformer,” Rodney Grilliot tells of the impact of John Huss’s unwavering stand on the Word of God. Because he and others stood for the truth, believers today have the opportunity to freely believe, live, and share God’s Word.

In our series on Living the Mystery in This Wonderful Age of Grace, Rev. Don Lomax points out benefits of “Keeping the Spiritual Unity in Our Service.” Then, What Does the Word Say? answers the question “How do we wait upon the Lord?”

The Word Over the World Report is loaded with inspiring updates on God’s Word moving worldwide. In July, Revs. Bill and Marcia Greene traveled to France in Europe, and then to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa for the dedication ceremony of the newly built ministry facility called “God’s Household Center.” Also highlighted is Rev. and Mrs. John Rupp’s itinerary in June to visit three countries in Central and South America.

The 2021 Advanced Class was held at The Way International Headquarters in June. For two weeks students delved into God’s Word to learn how to walk in the power of all nine manifestations of holy spirit. And covered in this issue is the coming together of two historic occasions at The Way International Headquarters: The Way Corps Jubilee Celebration, culminating in the graduation of the Fiftieth Way Corps at the Sunday Teaching Service. Believers from across the globe attended these spiritually significant events.

Let’s keep shining brightly! We’re lights in this world, transformed by the renewing of our minds and proving “what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God”!

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