May/Jun 2018 Way Magazine


The Bible shows us our heavenly Father’s Word and will and the many benefits we can enjoy as we do His Word. This issue of The Way Magazine helps to further our understanding of how and why we can boldly claim the promises in God’s Word and walk with godly confidence every day.

Mary Maggi gives us keys we can use for “Maintaining a More-than-a-Conqueror Mind-Set” and to be victorious through the circumstances of life. In “Examples of Service: Aquila and Priscilla,” Josh Friend shows how these two believers were examples of fellow workers in the outreach of God’s Word. They are inspiring examples! In “Pleasant Words Sweeten the Soul,” Margarita Crommett considers some practical ways we can speak sweet, pleasant words from a heart of love to bring encouragement and edification—at home with our family, in our home fellowships, and at work.

In Titles of God in the Bible, Keith Jackson concludes the series with “The Holiness of God”—the one comprehensive attribute behind all others—and sets forth God’s will for us to walk in holiness. A companion piece, “Get to Know Our God Better,” gives a sampling of clear attributes of God to show us more of Who He is so that we can love and trust Him even bigger.

In “Publishing the Good News as Writers and Journalists,” a Witnesses in Our Occupations article by Laura Mittler, we learn how believers employed as writers and journalists can be examples and witnesses in the workplace as they practice four Biblical principles of excellence.

The Prevailing Word Report gives updates on the joyous celebrations at the 75 Years and Onward Days in the Word in The Way of the U.S.A. Regions and at the Countrywide 75th Anniversary Days in the Word in International Outreach countries. Another report highlights the significant recognition fellowships held in honor of the Way Disciples of Outreach Group XXIV.

The Way Magazine provides practical keys for living the more abundant life of John 10:10. What keys have you read that you can put into practice and share with others today?

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