Sep/Oct 2016 Way Magazine


We manifest God’s love in our lives and in the world by renewing our minds to His Word and by walking in the steps of Jesus Christ. Delve into this issue to learn how to live God’s love even bigger.

In “Esther: God’s Deliverance in an ‘Impossible’ Situation,” Phyllis Mayer shows how believers can courageously believe God and work together to see Him bring deliverance to pass—even in seemingly impossible situations. To help us live a life of “Freedom from Fear and Bondage,” Gerald Henson looks at three keys from God’s Word we can apply to bring His solution of freedom to our lives when the adversary tries to encase us.

I Corinthians 13: The Love of God explains how we can “put on” the Lord Jesus Christ in our minds and manifest God’s loving nature by choosing to not behave ourselves in an unseemly manner. What Does the Word Say? clearly documents to Whom Christians should direct their prayers. Knowing this, we can pray with confidence and receive the needed answers. In Witnesses in Our Occupations, Jeanetter Lomax shows how standing firm on godly principles as “Witnesses for God in Finance” can help us be successful, powerful examples in the workplace. Dean Etchison, in Titles of God in the Bible, points out how “The God of Hope” enlightens our understanding regarding the hope of Christ’s return so that we have the encouragement and strength we need to continue standing faithfully.

The Prevailing Word Report keeps us posted on exciting facets of our worldwide ministry. Enjoy the reports spotlighting the 2016 Advanced Class, the Great Lakes Region Meeting, and The Way Corps class of 2016 graduation.

The Church Epistles are God’s love letters addressed specifically to us today. They teach us what the love of God looks like, sounds like, and acts like. When we know God’s Word, we have His love letters written on our hearts (II Corinthians 3:3). As you read and study this issue, consider an aspect of God’s love you see in a family member, a fellow believer, or a friend. Write them a note to share this love you see in them. That’s one more of God’s love letters written on their hearts!

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