Nov/Dec 2016 Way Magazine


In I John 5:4 we see that our believing is the victory that overcomes the world. That’s quite a promise! The key to victory over the adversary’s obstacles in this world is believing and taking action on God’s Word. This issue will advance our understanding of God’s promises and build our believing to live victoriously in this world.

In “May I See Your Identification, Please?” Rev. Bill Greene takes us to the Scriptures to see our true identity in Christ Jesus so that we can live God’s way—free to love, free to give, free to serve. Every day is a new and victorious day as we believe who God says we are in Christ and walk out on it. Suzanne Padilla demonstrates that as we boldly declare, “I Am Worthy—I Will Walk Worthy!” we can walk with great confidence, serving God and one another.

The Children’s Activities pages provide fun and interactive ways to dig a little deeper into the articles in this issue and make the Word your own. In I Corinthians 13: The Love of God, we see how we can trust God to care for our needs so that we can reach out with His love and selflessly seek the spiritual benefit of others. In Witnesses in Our Occupations, Vicki Reynolds shows us, as ambassadors for Christ, some of the many benefits of “Conducting Ourselves to the Honor and Glory of God: Business Etiquette.” Manners and Customs of the Bible looks at the duties of “The Kinsman Redeemer” in the Book of Ruth and sheds light on what Jesus Christ accomplished for us as our redeemer.

The Prevailing Word Report tells of the joyous seventy-fourth anniversary celebration of our ministry and the commissioning of Way Disciple Outreach Group XXIII held at The Way International. On page 17 you will also find a map of the 2016–2017 Regions in The Way of the U.S.A., along with photographs of the Region coordinators and their wives, for your prayers and believing.

What practical principles can you find in this issue to help overcome obstacles in the world? (You could highlight them or compile a list.) What people do you know who might be facing such obstacles? Can you reach out to them with The Way Magazine to help them overcome the world?

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