Jul/Aug 2010 Way Magazine


Although situations and circumstances in our lives are ever changing, our Almighty God and His Word are the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is always a faithful, loving Father to His children. This issue shows God’s heart to provide all sufficiency in all things for His children, and it’s ours to claim each day of our lives.

Teresa Guigou looks at three healings by Jesus Christ to elevate our perspective and help us stand “At the Top of the Mountain: Claiming God’s Healing Wholeness.” Michael Fort delves into God’s Word to explain the four fronts of the adversary and God’s unbeatable solutions on every point of attack. As we believe and apply God’s rightly divided Word, we will defeat the adversary and be “Winning the Competition on All Fronts.”

As sons of God, we make a difference in this world because we “Speak the Word” consistently in our daily living. Rodney Grilliot teaches why we speak the Word, what our part is in speaking and what God’s part is, and who we speak to. Rich O’Neal gives practical keys for “Holding Fast to God’s Word” by committing scriptures to memory. And on page 15, “God Promises Us…” points us to specific promises we can claim for our own, using scriptures in the Biblical feature articles.

In Manners and Customs of the Bible, Bernita Jess helps us understand the Eastern use of “Palm Branches and Garments—Spread in the Way” at the time of Jesus Christ’s entry into Jerusalem in judgment. The Prevailing Word Report gives inspiring news about the 25th anniversary of the Victor Paul Wierwille Prevailing Word Auditorium, which featured The Vision Lives On; the activities of the in-residence Way Corps; and the release of the French and Spanish translations of the foundational class on The Way of Abundance and Power.

The Way Magazine can serve as an important part of your personal Biblical research library. As you take the time to look through your magazines and find topics of personal interest to re-search, your understanding of God’s heart and your confidence as a workman of His Word will abound!

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