May/Jun 2023 Way Magazine
In his article “Rich Toward God,” Rev. Vern Edwards takes us to the Word to see what God thinks about money: specifically, in the categories of the love of wealth, liberal giving, our attitude, and future rewards.
In “Learn It and Live It!” Chase Honeycutt teaches us how to live more of the Word, by building the habit of identifying and making necessary adjustments in our lives based on the Word. This will have us living more like Jesus Christ!
An important tool in training toddlers is teaching them to remember so they can obey. In the second of three articles on training children, “Training Toddlers to Remember,” Melissa George examines the Word to see the importance of helping toddlers to remember and offers two simple ways to accomplish this.
In “Keys to Having Peaceable Family Discussions,” by Darlene Nickolauson we are taught two keys to peacefully handling conversations when there are disagreements: communicate respectfully and focus on a common purpose.
Wrapping up the final part of the three-part series, “Stewardship: Body, Soul, Spirit,” Rev. Bryan Mittler covers “Stewarding the Mystery,” to consider the stewardship of the Mystery concerning Christ as an aspect of our spiritual stewardship.
Enjoy a Pentecost-related crossword puzzle in your free time, entitled “We Have Power!”— by Laura Mittler.
Grow in Biblical understanding by reading the department and series articles.
- In Old Testament History, “God’s Covenant with Jacob” by Rev. Tom Mullins. This article highlights the life of Jacob. It was Jacob, later called Israel, who gave his name to the people of the promise. In Jacob we see that God’s promises are faithful, sure, and certain, and that they will come to pass through God’s graciousness, not man’s designs.
- Rev. Dan Davis answers the question “Are all human beings created in God’s image?” in this What Does the Word Say? article.
- The fifth article in the Workmen of the Word Series, “Jesus Christ the Son of God,” answers the question, “Does Matthew 28:19 indicate that Jesus Christ himself believed he was part of the trinity — that is, that he is God?”
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